Wednesday, April 20, 2011

For a Reason and a Season

When I was growing up, I hated cantalope. My mother and sister also hated cantalope. Cantalope was not served at our house, although my dad sometimes ate it when he went out to dinner.

When I got married to Kelly, I discovered that he was also a cantalope hater. Once when we had friends over, Kelly remarked that I should have not made a fruit salad because he does not like cantalope. The salad had actualy been brought by our guests. Ooops!

As I was pregnant with Tim, however, I began to crave cantalope. Despite Kelly's dislike of the fruit, I started eating cantalope on a regular basis. When Tim was born, the craving went away, but I still retained a liking for the fruit. There was a reason that I needed cantalope and my need lasted for a defined period of time, a season.

Sometimes our outreach is for a reason and season. People come to us to because they have a need or a craving. They may not be Lutherans, they may have lost faith altogether. God sends them to us for a season to nurture and grow. What we have to offer and how that expression takes form in community is the essence of the coversation that we are having at Mt Carmel.

There are sheets of white paper on the wall in the Sanctuary which contain the results of our initial brainstorming about what we want to see and how we feel about Mt Carmel. Pastor Glen has encouraged us to pray about the words on the paper, as we consider how to "brand" Mt Carmel. If you were unable to participate last Sunday, please add your input. There are blank pages for your thoughts and we welcome you on this journey together.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

BRANDING Palm Sunday Luncheon

The Outreach Committee is inviting everyone who cares about the future of Mt. Carmel Lutheran to a light lunch and discussion after Palm Sunday service. The discussion will center around what words best describe the Mt. Carmel community(see earlier blog post, "Brand Names.") This is not a members only affair. Please feel free to come and share your opinions with us. There are no wrong answers.

Some suggestions that have been made include: "inclusive relationships," and "forward looking values rooted in tradition." Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


In past years at Mt. Carmel, we have tackled difficult issues during Lent. Many of these issues focused on problems facing the church and our response to them. This year, however, we are turning the examination inward through a study on forgiveness.

Why study forgiveness? We have learned from studies at the Mayo Clinic that the ability to forgive has been shown by studies to:
Lead to Healthier relationships;
Greater spiritual and psychological well-being;
Decrease stress and hostility;
Lower blood pressure;
Decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety and chronic pain; &
Lower risk of alcohol and substance abuse.

We have learned also that forgiveness is a process involving acceptance, change, and wisdom. We need to be accepting of the things that we cannot change. We need to be willing to change the things that we can. And, we need to ask God for the wisdom to know the difference.

The Lenten Soup Supper and Study will be continuing for several more weeks. Join us at 6:30PM on Wednesdays for fellowship around this issue. Vespers are held at 8:00PM.